Monday, October 06, 2003

Justin Alexander is the guy running Jubilee Iraq. He's in Baghdad right now, blogging his campaign among the various Iraqi political parties. He's not particularly fond of the American occupation forces, and seems to be your typical middle-left boho. In short, he seems to be coming into this particular issue from the direction of Third-World debt forgiveness, rather than pro-war conviction. His entries make for interesting snapshot glimpses of the various major factions and parties. For instance, I had not been aware that some of the monarchists were hostile to the Governing Council, and still pushing the idea of a Jordan-like Hashimite or pseudo-Hashimite monarchy. The same guy from Voices in the Wilderness that Steve Mumford mentions meeting in the Baghdad Journal piece appears again in this Alexander entry. Interesting.

Via an update to Joe Katzman's Winds of Change article on Jubilee Iraq.

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