Wednesday, April 13, 2016

So, the Centre County GOP sent the following information this afternoon, which is supplemental to what the Tribune-Review reported last week:
Delegate Candidates 

The information presented below was gathered from each candidate's response to Centre GOP's inquiry, discussions with another candidate(s) for Delegate and/or from TribLive.

Candidate names within each category are listed in the order in which they appear on the ballot. 

Will Vote for the Winner of the 5th Congressional District

Joyce Haas
Scott Schreffler
Shelia Fitzgerald Sterrett
Ash Khare
C. Arnold McClure 

Will Vote for Ted Cruz

Richard Chura
Lyle Stewart
Barry Kroeker 

Will Vote for Donald Trump

James Feuer Klein 

For additional information about each candidate, visit

Lyle Stewart is an additional Cruz delegate-candidate, which makes for a complete slate for the Fifth Congressional.  I don't know what to think about that, Haas has given me a reason *not* to vote to send her to the convention, which seems somehow fundamentally unfair.  

Oh, well, politics ain't beanball.

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