Monday, June 13, 2005

I was down in Maryland helping do inventory for the con on Saturday. Stayed over for the night, and drove back Sunday morning. Never, ever daydream on the Pennsylvania Turnpike in the middle of the state. If you miss your exit - specifically, if you miss the Bedford exit going west - you will be ruing your inattention for more than thirty miles of mountainous, zero-access highway. I took directions from a local at a gas station somewhere outside of Somerset, and ended up *east* of Bedford before I found my way back on track. Massively irritating diversion.

I will say one thing for the unexpected side-trip. Route 30 on Mt. Ararat is one of the more striking roads I've ever driven. Exceedingly precipitous highway, hugging the side of a damned steep mountain-side for the better part of two miles. Set off my acrophobia something fierce.

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