Tuesday, September 09, 2003

On Never Learning

They're paving Rt 144 through Axemann this morning. The signs were out yesterday morning. I noted them at the time. Did I take this into account and take another road into work *this* morning? Of course not, because people never learn. We do so many things that we complacently believe are well within the bourne of our free will, of our free agency, of decisions and intentions and thought-out plans. Arrogance and willful blindness! Man is a creature of habit and reflex, of learned behaviors and mindless routines. I took Rt 144 because I always take Rt 144, and I had no-one to blame but myself when I found myself stuck in a long line of cars behind dump trucks steaming with noxious hot asphalt.

Didn't keep me from cursing the slowcoach dump truck drivers, though.

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